Artist of the Month: Krysia Bower - Discover Muskoka: Plan Your Trip

Discover Muskoka: Plan Your Trip


Artist of the Month: Krysia Bower


Krysia Bower is a multi-faceted artist who creates large woodblock prints and transforms antique Muskoka Cottage windows into works of art.

The property on which Krysia and her husband live in Muskoka inspires her paintings and multi-media installations and go on to form part of the landscape in the gardens and woodland trails.

Her methods are unusual and the results are striking.  She uses a router to carve out designs on large sheets of plywood, applies inks and acrylics to the surface, and pulls off prints in brilliant colours.  Her technique of applying all of the colours at once, before printing, results in vibrant, one-of-a-kind works or art.

Cut mirrors and coloured glass beads on panes of glass in the form of stylized flowers play with reflected light on windows and French doors.  These confections, suitable for both indoor and outdoor areas, delight the eyes as you pass them by.  So many of the old cottages are disappearing because of renovations.  Krysia has been salvaging what is left of these old, old windows and doors and giving them new life for people to enjoy for many more years to come.

For more information, visit her website