Hardy Lake Provincial Park - Discover Muskoka: Plan Your Trip

Discover Muskoka: Plan Your Trip

Muskoka Lakes

Hardy Lake Provincial Park

Hwy 169, Torrance , ON


You will find the Hardy Lake trails in Hardy Lake Provincial Park just off of Hwy 169 east of Torrance. There are no facilities at this Park, but there is a parking lot and hiking trails. This is a non-operating park, and as such biking, motorized vehicles and camping are not permitted.

The park has a rich community of Atlantic coastal plain species. These species are here because at one time, much of present day Ontario was submerged beneath numerous glacial and post-glacial lakes. When the ancient Lake Algonquin receded, it left a remnant community of Atlantic Ocean shoreline plants behind. The park also contains an inland section of displaced Georgian Bay shoreline.

There are three hiking trails to choose from, ranging in difficulty. If you are looking for great Muskoka hiking trails, these are some of the best!